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Mission, Vision & Values

"Working together to achieve the best possible futures for all families living with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)"

The Bracknell Parent Carer Forum is a Partnership Forum between parent carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and key professionals who work with them.

The Forum was set up to make sure your views and concerns are heard by those who plan and manage services that you and your SEND child or young person rely on. It provides socialising and networking opportunities and forums for co-production, consultation and participation in planning and developing services within Bracknell Forest.


The group meet regularly to discuss the real issues that affect SEND children and young people in Bracknell Forest. Key speakers are periodically invited to discuss current services and new developments.

Members are all parent carers, working hard to help improve things for families with SEND in Bracknell Forest. For forthcoming meeting dates – please contact the Parent Carer Forum directly.

You can find details of services and support across education, health and social care available locally on The Additional Needs Info Hub (Local Offer):

If you need free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), contact IASS:

Sign up to our newsletter:


Local Offer Victoria
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“Working together to achieve the best possible futures for all families living with
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver better outcomes for families living with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We aim to:

  • create a culture of participation and co-production across the education, health, social care and the voluntary sectors. This means that we are involved in all aspects of designing, commissioning, delivering and reviewing services as an equal partner

  • empower our members to ensure that their voices are heard

  • inspire our service partners by sharing good practice and lived experience.

Our Vision

Working together to achieve the best possible futures for all families living with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


We are a community of volunteers, learning from one another and growing by sharing our  experiences: how to navigate the system, how to support our children at home, at school or at work, but also how to support each other.
Some of us have been navigating the system for years, others are just starting. We can advise and guide you by sharing our experiences. The Useful Links page will also give you a wealth of information as your child goes through his or her school years.



We meet regularly in and around Bracknell, sometimes during the day, sometimes in the evening: you can find the details of the meetups in our calendar and on our Facebook Group and Page. Please pop in and say hello, we'd love to see you!

Check out our latest events

Video Transcript

The Bracknell Parent Carer Forum is a group made up of parent carers in Bracknell Forest,
with the vision of working together to achieve the best possible futures for all families living
with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (known as SEND.)

Parent carer is an umbrella term for those with parental responsibility for children and young
people with SEND up to the age of 25. This includes parents, grandparents, guardians,
kinship carers, foster carers and adoptive parents. 

As a group, we share our experiences of using local services for our children and young
people with SEND. This includes experiences with schools, health services, social care and
many other local authority services. We use social media, emails, workshops, webinars, face
to face meetings, informal chats, socials like breakfasts, park visits and family fun sessions,
to gather lived experiences.

Representative parent carers volunteer to attend strategic meetings with those providing
services for families living with SEND to coproduce better services based on the feedback
we gather. We work with services to create policies, processes, events, activities and
sources of information to ensure SEND services improve based on what the parent carers
and children and young people of Bracknell Forest need and want.

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